Saturday, March 19, 2011

In sickness and in health....

I'm still processing this, so, bear with may be a little rough.

I came down with a severe head cold as soon as we left American Soil, so, take-off and landing for 3 flight thereafter nearly blew my eardrums! Furthermore, on our last plane I headed for the bathroom and en route saw people using the complimentary sleep-masks to cover their nose & mouth, as well as their scarfs and blankets to cover their faces. Arriving at the lavatory, it was evident that someone with diahreeah did not notice that the lid was closed on the toilet seat know. Lastly, there was a man in the aisle across from us who was vomiting into a grocery bag throughout the flight and he just left it on the floor when we made our stop prior to destination! It spilled all over the floor and the crew was not the least bit interested in cleaning it up.

I soon realized that common medicine, like DayQuil, is not available out here, making me ever more grateful to God that another team-mate had some for me to use. I can't help but think about what it mean for Jesus to come in contact with the sick...making himself vulnerable by contact, meeting us where we are, leaving the comforts of heaven because he is fully committed to His bride. How do I respond to that?


  1. I think your "answer" is perfect sis-
    I will lift my eyes... to YOU!

  2. I hope you are feeling well again. - Chris

  3. The cold is easing up, but I came back from the bush with (Warning: TMI) diahreah, and an injured toe which will probably lose it's nail. Think of the famous song by Toto and sing "I lost my toenail in Africa" and you'll understand the required sense of humor that is seen out here. I'm trying not to complain and, instead, put on my "big girl panties". Really, though, I think health and sickness is what God wants to show me so that I can more specifically pray for missionaries here as well as the nationals. Now, sing with me, "She left her toenail in Africa..."
